From my experience and observation, the human species has a brain of which the default setting is narcissism. That means it's a constant effort to try and recognize and overcome this tendency. I do not see the path to loosen its grip to be any of the inward paths, which to me are simply self-serving and self-deluding ways of getting ever more closely intwined with those labyrinthine narcissistic aspects. I want to believe we can look to Nature, and all of life's myriad forms as the source to overcome this narcissism. Unfortunately too many believe in the fictions, such as money and religions. These made-up things we have set up in society now not only blind us to reality, but control us in almost every aspect of daily life. Nature is the real, real life.
From my experience and observation, the human species has a brain of which the default setting is narcissism. That means it's a constant effort to try and recognize and overcome this tendency. I do not see the path to loosen its grip to be any of the inward paths, which to me are simply self-serving and self-deluding ways of getting ever more closely intwined with those labyrinthine narcissistic aspects. I want to believe we can look to Nature, and all of life's myriad forms as the source to overcome this narcissism. Unfortunately too many believe in the fictions, such as money and religions. These made-up things we have set up in society now not only blind us to reality, but control us in almost every aspect of daily life. Nature is the real, real life.
The self-esteem movement is to blame. Kids shouldn't be told they're special. They should earn confidence by doing things and being decent.
Are you suggesting narcissistic personalities didn't exist before the "self-esteem movement"? Isn't that a 20th century phenomenon?